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Getting Started - Yocale Intro

All you need to know for the Yocale basics

Business setup

Learn how to add your locations ,services, products and resources


Learn how to add and manage your staff


Various ways to accept payments through your Yocale


Learn how to manage your calendar

Online Bookings & Your Booking Widget

Learn about online bookings for your business as well as customizing & installing your custom booking widget for your website


Learn how to add and manage your appointments on Yocale

Schedules & Availability

Learn how you can set your online booking availability or online schedules

Client Management

Learn how to add and manage your clients


Learn about creating, accessing, annotating and managing our new generation of Forms

Video Conferencing - "Yocale Meet"

Learn all about how to use Yocale's slick appointment video conferencing tool Meet.Yocale

Notifications & Reminders

Learn how to setup and receive notifications and reminders through Yocale

Reserve With Google FAQ

Learn how to leverage Reserve With Google for your appointment based business

Mobile Devices

Learn how to use Yocale on a mobile device

Manage Your Account

Learn about your Yocale Account settings & your online booking widget settings

General Help

A list of guides to help you on your Yocale journey

Yocale Member Help

Here are some guides for Yocale Consumers

Yocale Pay

Learn about Yocale Pay and managing your merchant payment processing

Dashboard & Reporting

Learn about business and staff reports

Export Clients From Your Software

Learn how to export your clients from other softwares