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Exporting From Clinic Masters

How to export your patients from Clinic Masters

Marc avatar
Written by Marc
Updated over a week ago

Exporting your Patients and Appointments from Clinicmaster

So coming from Clinicmaster, we’ll need you to upload your patient export with as much detail as possible and all your past and future appointments. The Patient list can be exported using the Client Explorer and the Appointments using the Appointment Explorer. If you have a lot of data Clinicmaster’s exporters sometimes seems to time out, so if that happens just break your appointments up by years and export each file separately. Don’t forget to export your future appointments as well as your past appointments. 

Clinicmaster Charts

Unfortunately Clinicmaster doesn’t offer a batch export of your charts. You probably know that you can run a report showing a list of entries, but you cannot see the actual chart content. 

Clinicmaster is now offering a lifetime read only version when your license expires, so you can view, search, and print all biling information and charts for all of your patients for as long as you need.

You may be offered your raw data file - which has your chart entries stored in Clinicmaster’s proprietary format. Generally to import chart entries we need the entries to be in an industry standard format such as PDFs. 

You can export charts individually, so exporting to PDF and then uploading them to Yocale one at a time is also an option.

Clinicmaster Billing Data

We don’t import billing information or dossiers as there are formatting issues between the two systems, but again, our understanding is that Clinicmaster is offering a lifetime read only version when your license expires, so you can view, search, and print all billing information for as long as you need.

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