Exporting From Appointment.com

How to export your clients from appointment.com

Marc avatar
Written by Marc
Updated over a week ago

Exporting your Clients from Appointment.com

So coming from Appointment.com, we’ll need you to upload your Customer export with as much detail as possible.

The Customer List can be exported from the “Administration” Tab. From there head to your “Customer Admin” area and then choose “Export Customer”. 

You will end up with an exported Excel document with all of your Customers. 

Exporting your Appointment.com Appointments

For appointments you can go to the Reports tab. From there choose the “Schedule Report”. 

If you have a lot of data, Appointment.com exporters sometimes seems to time out, so if that happens just break your appointments up by years (or smaller date ranges if necessary) and export each file separately. When you run them in batches make sure you set the filters in the exact same way. 

Don’t forget to export your future appointments as well as your past appointments. 

Choose the Booking Status of appointments you’d like to move over. If you don’t want the cancelled appointments check on the boxes for Pending Booking and Approved Booking only. 

Use the “Check All” button to opt in to all the information attached to the appointment. 

Click “Create Excel Report”

Appointment.com Billing Data

We don’t import billing information as there are formatting issues between the two systems.

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