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Product Management

How to add, remove and edit your products in Yocale

Tigran Babaev avatar
Written by Tigran Babaev
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The mobile version of this feature has a different user interface but the same buttons so this guide should be able to assist.

A short video on Product Management

Login to your business owner account to begin and click on the left side main menu. Click on "Business set up" and you should see "Products".

Accessing the Products Page

Adding New Product

Use the blue "Add New Product" button on the top right corner of the page and you will be navigated to the Add New Product page.

Now you can add a new product. After entering the required fields press "Save" to add the new product.

Add a photo of the product - Drag photo or select a file from your device

Product Name - Required - Set the name of the Product that you are selling.

Quantity - Set the amount of products you have available to sell at a given time.
​Reorder Quantity - Set a certain level of quantity in which Yocale will notify you that it's time to re-order. Yocale notifies you changing the quantity color in the list and sidebar. (Note: The future roadmap includes notifying businesses via email that the reorder quantity as been hit).

SKU - Set the "stock keeping unit" which is a number that is used to differentiate products. It will be randomly generated by default but you can edit.

Retail Price - Required - What the product retails for the client.

Cost - What the product costs for the business.

Brand - Brand of product.

Supplier - Supplier of product.

Note - Any specific comments about this product - this is hidden from the client.

Friendly reminder to press "Save" on top to add the product.
You can edit this added product using the Action buttons on the right. You should see a "pencil" as the edit button and the "garbage can" as the delete button. You may delete product using the button here or in the Edit page as shown later in the guide.

Edit Product Page

In the Edit page, you will notice two tabs on the left. "Product Details" and "Inventory". There is also a "Remove" button on the top as the garbage can. You may also delete the product using the Remove button here.

These two tabs contain the same fields as you saw on "Add New Product" page.

Product Details tab contains all the fields specific to product information. Which is Product Name, Retail Price, Brand and the Notes

Inventory tab contains all the fields specific to the business aspect of the product. Which is Quantity, Reorder Quantity, SKU, Cost and Supplier.

Search and "Retail Price" Filter

Search Bar - You can search the products by Name, Brand and SKU.

Retail Price Filter - This is our first filter available but more are on the way, you can filter the products based off a price range.

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